

Entrepreneur Development


Talent Development

Biotec International Asia

Biotec International is an appendage of a Belgian based engineering company and is involved in the provision of integrated organic matter management services for tropical regions. The company is a world technological leader in the generation, capture, handling and usage of biogas for tropical agro-based industries via the use of three main technologies such as waste water treatment (anaerobic digestion) with biogas energy capture, composting and ferti-irrigation. In Malaysia, the company works mostly with palm oil mills, rubber mills, pig farms, poultry farms, cassava (starch) mills, cattle farms and the oleo-chemical industry for the conversion of waste into usable energy.

Company Information

Region Central

State W.P Kuala Lumpur

Industry BioIndustrial

Cluster Biofuel, Biomaterials, Bioprospecting, CMO & Bioremediation