

Entrepreneur Development


Talent Development

BioNexus Status Online Submission System (OSS)

All BioNexus Status companies are required to submit financial statements and key statistics on a quarterly basis to Bioeconomy Corporation. In order to facilitate the submission, we are pleased to introduce the Online Submission System (OSS) as a platform for BioNexus Status companies to submit their quarterly reports online.

The following table indicates the submission period and its respective deadlines.

Reporting Period

Submission deadline –

Quarter 1: 31st May
Quarter 2: 31st Aug
Quarter 3: 30th Nov
Quarter 4: 29th Feb

We sincerely appreciate that you adhere to the stipulated deadline mentioned above. Your prompt submission is crucial for Bioeconomy Corporation’s senior management and stakeholders review.

Click HERE to access OSS. Please contact us at 03-8893 4200  or email to if you need further assistance.